Monday, January 31, 2011


Dear Izuddin,

I hope u will believe, if you are thankful to Allah plus patient and add some effort.
Trust me, you will be success one day.

Anything happened there are some reasons, be patient, one day u will know why this happened. May be now you don't know why, but trust me finally u will know.

Don't give up.

That's all




Thursday, January 27, 2011


Salam To all,

In our lives, we must know how to act correctly. Especially, when we communicate with our colleague,
we must know what are their sensitivity. Try not to hurt other. In Malay we say 'agak-agak la beb'.
That the way we communicate brilliantly with colleague.

I hope I will be master in communication, I hope I will benefited other. Explore new things everyday.

And always be an assets to the company.

TQ to all

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Advice From My mother

Salam To all,

Actually my mother has advised a lot to me since I was small till now, I was really appreciated what my mother has done to me. I hope that all my mother advice will be in my mind till I die, actually what is my mother advice is very important to me. Although sometimes I did not understanding her advice in real time, but hopefully I will understand all the advices. All my mother advice actually is basic for me to be success in the world. It depends on me how to develop what my mother has told me.My mother and father are such my idols.

My father has said something like " he hope that his children will be better from him". I hope this will be reality as soon as possible.

That all for now




Salam to all,

Today I want to talk about contribution. Sometimes I ask myself many question about contributions:

1. What is my contribution to my family?
2. What is my contribution to my father & mother?
3. What is my contribution to my society, religion & nation?

I hope I can contribute to them before I die. Hopely I can give happiness to my family. I hope I can repay back all contribution that my father & mother give to me.

I also hope that I can unite my family together. I would like to be a good brother to my sibling.
I hope my father and mother will proud of me.

That all for now


Thursday, January 20, 2011


Salam semua,

Terfikir pula satu istilah iaitu pengorbanan. Dalam agama Islam terdapatnya Hari Raya Korban, apa pengajaran yg boleh kita dapati dari peristiwa ini. Banyak pengajaran yg boleh kita perolehi, dalam hidup ini kita mesti bersedia utk berkorban. Kebiasaannya, manusia akan berkorban masa, tenaga dan pemikiran contohnya kepada orang tersayang atau pencipta kita - Allah.

Bagi pendapat sy, manusia yg tak sanggup berkorban adalah manusia yg rugi. Rugi sama ada di dunia atau akhirat.

Manusia yang inginkan kejayaan perlulah berkorban.

Sanggupkah anda?

By the time! Verily Man is in lose

Salam semua,

Pada kali ini nak bercerita sikit mengenai masa,jika kita kaji balik masa sentiasa bergerak,
masa tidak tidur, tidak mengenal erti mengantuk dan sebagainya. Tambahan pula masa juga tidak pernah berhenti bergerak.

Oleh itu kita sbg manusia hendaklah mempergunakan masa dgn sebaiknya. Jadi pengajaran yg boleh kita dapat ialah kita harus memenuhkan masa kita dengan amalan yg berfaedah sebaiknya kerana Allah.

Masa adalah lebih mahal dari emas dan melambangkan usia kita yg semakin lama semakin meningkat.
Antara satu cara kita utk menghargai masa ialah dgn cara mengurangkan tidur. Tidur sekadar yg perlu shj(agak-agak la beb :).

Sekian shj coretan saya buat masa ini.
