CBMT 2103
MATRICULATION NO. : 780222055921002
IDENTITY CARD NO. : 780222-05-5921
TELEPHONE NO. : 0192553069
E-MAIL : mohd.izuddin@mmu.edu.my
Isi Kandungan Halaman
1.0 Nama Perisian 3
2.0 Audien sasaran 5
3.0 Elemen Yang Digunakan 6
4.0 Dua kesan membuang Elemen Multimedia 7
5.0 Kesan menggantikan elemen dengan elemen yg lain 8
6.0 Kehadiran dan justifikasi kawalan/peralatan navigasi 11
7.0 Kelebihan dan kelemahan perisian yang dipilih 12
8.0 Cadangan penambahbaikan produk 13
9.0 Lampiran 14
1.0 Nama Perisian
Gambar 1:murai.com.my
Untuk perisian “infotainment” saya memilih www.murai.com - saya memilih www.murai.com sebagai perisian infotainment saya. Ini adalah kerana murai.com mempunyai unsur-unsur maklumat dan juga hiburan. Banyak elemen-elemen multimedia yg dimasukkan dalam halaman web ini. Gambar-gambar yg ditunjukkan secara bergerak juga menambahkan daya tarikan kepada halaman web ini. Teks yang disusun secara sistematik juga merupakan elemen penting yang membuatkan website ini kelihatan menarik dan berinformasi. Di dalam halaman web ini juga tidak mengandungi terlalu banyak unsur teks. Unsur teks yang terlalu banyak mampu untuk membuatkan pembaca hilang tumpuan. Terdapat juga unsur interaktif di dalam web ini dimana kita buleh memilih tajuk cerita yang kita inginkan. Unsur ‘font’ juga adalah tidak bersifat ‘decorative’ memudahkan pembaca untuk membaca apa yang tertulis dalam petikan cerita. Tulisan adalah bersifat kemas, mudah, rasional dan berobjektif.
Gambar 2: 2+2 for kids
Untuk perisian ‘edutainment’, saya lebih berminat untuk memilih perisian yang didapati dari laman sesawang http://www.funnymathforkids.com, nama perisian tersebut ialah 2+2 for kids. Perisian ini saya fikir sangat efektif kepada kanak-kanak yang ingin menguasai matematik pada tahap satu. Tahap satu boleh kita kategorikan sabagai darjah satu, dua dan tiga. Perisian ini juga telah merangkul banyak anugerah di antaranya 5 star rating sofotex, 5 star rating soft32.com dan bermacam jenis anugerah lagi. Ini membuktikan bahawa perisian ini mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri.
2.0 Audien sasaran
Untuk Audien sasaran pula saya sasarkan kepada golongan remaja dan juga dewasa yang menggemari maklumat yang digabungkan dengan hiburan. Murai.com.my menjanjikan maklumat artis terkini dan pelbagai lagi maklumat terkinik tentang dunia hiburan. Sesiapa yang melayari web ini, pasti akan merasa kehebatanya. Golongan artis juga adalah salah satu audien sasaran kerana dengan cara ini, mereka dapat mengetahui perkembangan dunia seni tanah air serta perkembangan kerjaya rakan-rakan di dalam ihdustri hiburan.
2+2 for kids
Untuk perisian “edutainment” saya mensasarkan kepada golongan kanak-kanak yang baru hendak mengenal huruf. Ini termasuklah pengenalan pengenalan huruf dan perkataan yang mudah. Perisian “edutainment boleh menjadi pelengkap kepada kanak-kanak untuk memudahkan proses pembelajaran kepada mereka. Ia boleh membantu kanak-kanak untuk meningkatkan prestasi mereka serta memudahkan mereka untuk belajar membaca. Kecantikan perisian ini ialah ia bukan sahaja menghiburkan tetapi juga mengajar kanak-kanak untuk mengingat huruf dan nombor. Ia juga mengajar bagaimana hendak menyebut dan mengeja huruf. Kanak-kanak juga boleh menggunakan perisian ini tanpa bimbingan dari guru atau tenaga pengajar. Methodology yang digunakan untuk memebangunkan perisian ini ialah SDLC. Perisian lain yang digunakan untuk membangunkan perisian ini ialah Macromedia Flash 5.0, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Adobe Illustrator 10, Magic Music Maker 2005. Golongan sasar yang lebih spesifik ialah kepada pelajar sekolah rendah tahap satu.
3.0 Elemen Yang Digunakan
Untuk website murai.com.my saya dapat melihat pelbagai jenis animasi yang digunakan.
Teks juga ada digunakan dalam halaman sesawang ini untuk menerangkan apa yang sedang berlaku. Teks juga disokong oleh gambar yang juga mampu menambahkan kefahaman para pembaca. Sesungguhnya halaman sesawang ini sarat dengan pelbagai jenis maklumat beserta dengan hiburan. Ini adalah kerana ia menggabungkan pelbagai elemen multimedia yang mampu menjadi daya tarikan kepada pembaca. Banyak elemen grafik yang digunakan oleh webmaster untuk menambahkan kecerian halaman sesawang. Di samping itu terdapat juga elemen-elemen animasi, teks dan video. Contoh elemen animasi yang terdapat dalam sistem ialah ruangan iklan. Teks pula banyak digunakan untuk menerangkan mengenai sesuatu grafik atau video.
2+2 for kids
Multimedia yang digunakan sebagai contoh animasi, audio, teks, grafik dan video
Elemen yg banyak digunakan ialah elemen animasi, audio, teks, grafik dan video, elemen animasi terbahagi kepada dua iaitu animasi tradisional dan animasi komputer. Animasi komputer menghasilkan animasi secara digital. Animasi secara digital pula terbahagi kepada 2D dan 3D. Perisian edutainment ini banyak menggunakan elemen animasi, audio dan video. Elemen teks banyak digunakan untuk memaparkan nombor-nombor yang terlibat dalam operasi bahagi, darab, tambah dan sebagainya. Elemen audio digunakan untuk memberitahu pengguna perisian bahawa jawapan yang diberi salah atau pun betul. Elemen grafik banyak digunakan untuk membina antaramuka perisian. Terdapat juga animasi yang berfungsi untuk menambahkan daya tarikan kepada perisian.
4.0 Dua kesan membuang Elemen Multimedia
Sekiranya anda membuang separuh atau kesemua elemen-elemen tersebut maka halaman web tersebut akan hilang daya tarikannya. Sebagai contoh, jika kita meletakkan grafik dalam warna hitam putih contohnya maka daya tarikan kepada halaman web akan berkurangan. Elemen-elemen multimedia tersebut amat penting untuk memastikan pelajar dapat mengekalkan minat tehadap bacaannya. Satu kesan lagi ialah jika kita membuang elemen multimedia, mungkin halaman web tidak lagi bersifat interaktif dan membosankan.
2+2 for kids
Apabila kita membuang separuh ada kesemua elemen dalam perisian “edutainment” ini maka, antaramuka perisian menjadi tidak menarik dan mungkin tidak mampu menarik golongan sasaran untuk mencuba perisian ini. Kesan lain yang mungkin ialah mungkin ilmu yang hendak disampaikan kepada para pelajar tidak mencapai tahap yang diingini.Oleh itu mungkin objektif pengajaran tidak sampai kepada matlamatnya.
4.0 Kesan menggantikan elemen dengan elemen yg lain
Jika kita menggantikan elemen grafik dengan teks contohnya, selalunya keadaan laman web akan menjadi kurang menarik dan tidak akan ada ramai penugunjung yang akan melawat laman web kita. Tetapi sebaliknya kita menggantikan elemen animasi dengan elemen grafik, maka laman web kita akan kelihatan lebih menarik. Elemen-elemen dalam laman web ini juga mudah dipelajari dan mesra pengguna.Jika banyak elemen animasi digunakan menggantikan teks, kita mungkin terpaksa menaik taraf sumber ingatan serta pemproses komputer. Ini semua dilaksanakan untuk menyokong aplikasi terkini multimedia.
2+2 for kids
Dalam perkembangan teknologi pada hari ini, pembelajaran menggunakan komputer adalah satu perkara yang normal. Ramai kanak-kanak mendapat menfaat dalam pembelajaran yang menggabungkan hiburan dan juga pembelajaran. Kaedah ini membawa banyak kelebihan kepada kanak-kanak. Untuk permulaan, kanak-kanak di ajar untuk mengenal huruf dan nombor, apabila kanak-kanak mampu untuk menggabungkan huruf-huruf tersebut maka adalah lebih mudah untuk kanak-kanak belajar membaca. Sebanarnya, kanak-kanak boleh diajar menggunakan pelbagai kaedah, melalui perisian “edutainment” ini sebenarnya merupakan kaedah terkini berbanding kaedah konvesional yang banyak menitikberatkan pada kaedah membaca semata-mata. Kaedah ini sebenarnya menggunakan hampir keseluruhan anggota deria yang ada pada manusia. Jadi ia secara tidak langsung memudahkan proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran berlaku. Terdapat juga kajian yang dijalankan pencapaian kanak-kanak dalam bidang akademik mengalami peningkatan menggunakan kaedah terbaru ini. Kaedah pembelajaran ini bukan sahaja sesuai untuk kanak-kanak normal, tetapi kanak-kanak yang mempunyai masalah berkaitan dengan kecacatan otak juga boleh memberi manfaat kepada mereka. Kajian menunjukkan respon kanak-kanak adalah lebih baik terhadap kaedah terbaru ini berbanding kaedah konvesional dahulu. Kaedah ini juga boleh membantu perkembangan kognitif seseorang kanak-kanak. Disamaping itu, antaramuka yang menarik juga membantu kanak-kanak untuk lebih minat berkomunikasi dengan software tersebut. Menu Grafik yang mudah dan butang-butang yang beranimasi membantu kanak-kanak merangsang pemikiran kreatif kanak-kanak dalam melayari perisian tersebut. Ada sedikit karektor kartun yang membantu kanak-kanak dalam menggunakan perisian ini. Sebenarnya kaedah pembelajaran dibantu oleh unsur-unsur multimedia ini mengandungi banyak faedah.Sebagai contoh, ia hanya menggunakan masa yang singkat untuk menguasai pembelajaran. Di samping itu, ia mampu untuk mengurangkan kos di samping memberi pengalaman yang menggembirakan pada kanak-kanak. Kaedah pembelajaran ini ternyata lebih kreatif, menarik, cekap dan efektif. Sebenarnya pembelajaran menggunakan unsur multimedia adalah lebih kepada proses pembelajaran dari teknologi yang digunakan. Potensi perisian ini adalah bergantung kepada pengguna itu sendiri. Ibu-bapa dan tenaga pengajar hendaklah mengambil kelebihan kemampuan bahan multimedia tanpa hilang fokus keperluan kanak-kanak dalam skop pembelajaran. Multimedia interaktif mempunyai potensi untuk mengubah cara kita bekerja, belajar dan berkomunikasi. Melalui kaedah ini sistem pembelajaran adalah bersifat aktif untuk memastikan kanak-kanak membuat latihan praktikal, bukan hanya melihat dan membaca sahaja. Di samping itu terdapat juga cabaran yang perlu ditangani seperti antaramuka perisian yang tidak teratur dan sebagainya. Ini semua boleh diatasi dengan kaedah “design” yang betul. Di Samping itu kaedah pembelajaran ini dapat meningkatkan daya ingatan dan motivasi kepada kanak-kanak. Kaedah design yang baik mampu untuk meningkatkan dan mengekalkan minat kanak-kanak untuk menggunakan kaedah pembelajaran ini.
Kesan akibat dari menggantikan sesuatu elemen dengan elemen yang lain ialah sebagai contoh kita menggantikan kesan teks kepada grafik ialah sesuatu pemahaman itu mungkin menjadi lebih cepat. Kanak-kanak sifat semulajadinya suka bermain oleh itu permainan itu kita gabungkan dengan pembelajaran maka akhirnya manfaat akan diterima oleh kanak-kanak itu sendiri. Ini sama sekali mengubah perhubungan di antara permainan dan pembelajaran. Pada masa dahulu, guru dan ibu-bapa tidak mengetahui kepentingan permainan untuk dijadikan satu alat dalam pembelajaran. “Edutainment” sebenarnya adalah permainan hybrid yang bergantung kepada visual dan narratif yang berbentuk permainan. Tujuan utama “edutainment” ialah untuk memberi pengajaran kepada kanak-kanak melalui explorasi, cuba-jaya dan pengulangan tanpa disedari kanak-kanak telah mempelajari ilmu tanpa disedari oleh mereka. Edutainment juga banyak bergantung kepada images, animasi, bunyi yang berkaitan dengan deria kanak-kanak. Edutainment juga mempunyai matlamat pembelajaran setelah melalui proses ini. Para pengajar perlu mempelbagaikan kaedah pembelajaran pada masa ini untuk meningkatkan minat dan kefahaman pelajar dalam subjek yang diajar. Kanak-kanak lebih suka animasi dan gambar bebanding dari membaca buku. Di samping itu perisian “edutainment” boleh digunakan berulang kali dan di mana sahaja. “Edutainment” sebanarnya adalah sama dengan “Infotainment”, Cuma perbezaannya ialah “infotainment” memberikan kita maklumat. Dengam terdapat perisian berbentuk “infotainment ini maka kebergantungan kepada guru dapat dikurangkan. Kanak-kanak akan mula belajar berdikari. Perisian “edutainment ini amat sesuai untuk menjadi alat bantu mengajar guru-guru bagi menambahkan kefahaman murid-murid.
5.0 Kehadiran dan justifikasi kawalan/peralatan navigasi
Di dalam laman sesawang ini mengandungi banyak butang, hiperteks dan hiperpaut yang berfungsi sebagai kawalan/peralatan navigasi. Di dalam perisian ini juga dihubungkan dengan “facebook” , dan dengan cara ini lebih ramai lagi akan mengetahui laman web murai.com.my.Dengan cara ini, lebih ramai rakan-rakan dapat kita kumpulkan. Pengguna juga boleh mendaftarkan diri sebagai ahli dalam laman web ini. Jelas laman web ini bukan sahaja memberi maklumat tetapi juga sebagai tapak untuk bersosial.
2+2 for kids
Pendekatan “edutainment” mempunyai kehadiran dan justifikasi kawalan/peralatan navigasi pada perisian.
Gambar 3: Contoh navigasi di 2+2 for kids
Di atas menunjukkn terdapat perbagai jenis nagivasi pada perisian, di antaramuka perisian terdapatnya simbol operasi tambah, tolak, darab dan bahagi.
6.0 Kelebihan dan kelemahan perisian yang dipilih
1. Butang-butang hypeterks dan hiperpaut mudah untuk difahami.
2. Menggunakan perkataan dan ayat yang mudah difahami.
3. Penggunaan menu dalam perisian ini dapat mengurangkan beban mengingat berbanding dengan penggunaan baris-arahan. Aplikasi yang menggunakan antaramuka berasaskan menu adalah lebih memuaskan, berkuasa dan fleksibel berbanding aplikasi yang menggunakan sistem baris-arahan.
1. Tiada elemen audio dalam laman web murai.com.my. Ini mungkin boleh menyebabkan pengguna cepat merasa bosan dan tertekan.
2. Terlalu banyak teks yang boleh menyebabkan pembaca hilang fokus.
3. Padat dengan grafik.
2+2 for kids
1. Mengandungi silibus berkaitan dengan pengiraan, penambahan, penolakan, perbandingan nombor, operasi darab dan bahagi.
2. 21 latihan yang menarik
3. Penggunaan program yang mudah
4. 16 bit grafik dengan resolusi tinggi
5. Output dari paparan boleh dicetak
6. Bahasa penghantar boleh diubah
1. Aktiviti di dalam perisian perlu ditambah lagi, mungkin boleh dicipta aktiviti di peringkat permulaan, pertengahan dan cemerlang.
2. Unsur-unsur interaktif perlu ditambah lagi di dalam perisian, ini untuk menambahkan lagi minat pengguna kepada perisian ini.
3. Musik yang tidak menarik, mungkin boleh diletakkan musik yang telah mendapat sambutan orang ramai dan terkenal.
7.0 Cadangan-cadangan untuk memperbaiki produk
Untuk halaman sesawang murai.com.my, saya mencadangkan agar unsur audio dimasukkan ke dalam isi kandungan agar menjadi lebih menarik . Unsur audio tersebut hendaklah dimasukkan lagu-lagu yang menarik, jgn hanya memasukkan lagu-lagu yang sama. Susun-atur skrin perlu dikaji semula agar laman web nampak terurus dan kemas. Mungkin di dalam perisian tersebut boleh diletakkan “yahoo messenger” agar para pengguna boleh berkomunikasi secara “live”. Mungkin juga panggilan suara melalui internet boleh diwujudkan di mana pengguna boleh berkomunikasi menggunakan suara melalui internet.
2+2 for kids
Untuk perisian “edutainment” ini mungkin banyak lagi aktiviti yang boleh ditambah di dalamnya. Selain dari itu rekabentuk antaramuka yang mudah dan ringkas boleh ditingkatkan lagi pada masa hadapan.Rekabentuk yang mudah mampu untuk menarik perhatian pengguna. Elemen grafik juga boleh ditambah agar halaman sesawang bertambah ceria. Elemen teks yang mudah adalah sangat penting kanak-kanak. Perkataan yang mudah juga haruslah diletak sebagai teks agar kanak-kanak tidak terkeliru. Jika semua perkara ini diambil kira mungkin perisian ini boleh dikomersilkan. Sukatan ilmu mungkin perlu diperluaskan lagi agar perisian ini bukan sahaja sesuai untuk tahap 1, tetapi boleh dipertingkatkan lagi untuk kegunaan murid-murid tahap 2.
Alvanet.(2008).Welcome to Alvanet.[Online].Available: http://www.alvanet.com/.[2011, Feb 29]
Whatis.com(2008). Infotainment.[Online].Available: http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci538342,00.html.[2011, March 15]
Digital Five Sdn. Bhd.(2010).Murai.[Online].Available: http://www.murai.com.my/.[2011, Feb 2008]
Monday, March 14, 2011
CBMM 4103- Multimedia System
CBMM 4103
MATRICULATION NO. : 780222055921002
IDENTITY CARD NO. : 780222-05-5921
TELEPHONE NO. : 0192553069
E-MAIL : mohd.izuddin@mmu.edu.my
Table Of Content Page
1.0 Two advantages of Packet Switched Streaming 3
2.0 One technology using PSS. 5
3.0 How reliable is the Circuit Switch compared to Packet Switch 6
4.0 Three differences between Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service. 7
5.0 IPTV 8
6.0 Five challenges of Multimedia Messaging Services 9
7.0 Five types of Protocol Data Units in MMS level. 11
8.0 Attachment 13
1.0 Two advantages of Packet Switched Streaming
There are two examples of Packet Switched Technology such as LAN and internet. The main advantage Packet Switched Streaming has over all previous generation mobile communication systems is an increase in bit rate. Higher bit rate capabilities have delivered by service providers to involve into developing many bandwidth intensive applications that would not have been conceived of otherwise. There is tremendous excitement about the development of Packet Switched Streaming Technology. Two major forces are driving the development of these 3G systems. The first is the demand for higher data rate services, such as high-speed wireless Internet access. The second requirement are the more efficient use of the available radio frequency (RF) spectrum. This second requirement is a consequence of the projected growth in worldwide usage of wireless services. High-speed access, supporting broadband services such as fast Internet access or multimedia-type applications. One other advantages of packet switched streaming is we don’t need to wait until the content download completely to see the streaming because it can be seen will the buffering is in progress. The second advantages of packet-switching is that it permits statistical multiplexing on the communications lines. The packets from many different sources can share a line, allowing for very efficient use of the fixed capacity. With current technology, packets are generally accepted onto the network on a first-come, first-served basis. If the network becomes overloaded, packets are delayed or discarded .
Packet-Switched Streaming Services is a standard defined by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The PSS specification covers the protocols and codecs necessary for the delivery of streaming content to multimedia terminals in Third Generation (3G) wireless networks. Packet-Switched Streaming Services also has many other advantages, with PSS we can run many application such as :
1. Viewing on-demand audiovisual clips from anywhere using a multimedia-equipped wireless phone.
2. Viewing subscription content (e.g. personalized news, business info, sports highlights, etc).
3. Watching content from a live camera (e.g. webcam or security camera).
4. Streaming content received via 3GPP's Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS).
The main focus of PSS is the communication between server and terminal. The PSS specification tells operators and equipment manufacturers how the server and terminal must behave in order to enable the streaming service
The PSS specification defines a multimedia streaming service within 3G wireless networks, and so enables the application scenarios mentioned above, as well as others. An important point is that PSS standardizes the communication used in the service. This makes it possible for vendors to design equipment that will interoperate (i.e. communicate properly with equipment from other vendors). For example, one company could provide a streaming server, and another company could provide the client solution.
While the PSS specification is defined to enable interoperable implementations, the specification itself cannot guarantee interoperability. Implementations from different companies must be tested together to ensure that the implementations are correct, and that companies have a consistent interpretation of the specification. Testing is also needed to identify and correct parts of the specification which are unclear or inconsistent.
2.0 One technology using PSS.
One technology using Packet Switched Technology is video streaming, video streaming is a technique for transferring data such that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. Besides that, streaming audio defines a method of delivering an audio signal to computer over the Internet, and differs from the normal method of receiving internet audio in one important way: instead of having to download a .wav file completely before being able to listen to it, you hear the sound as it arrives at your computer, and therefore do not have to wait for a complete download. However, video streaming is different compared to streaming audio. This is because it is a method of making audio, video and other multimedia available in real-time over the Internet with no download wait and no file to take up space on hard disk. Streaming technologies for transmitting real time continuous audio poses manychallenges in various areas including media compression, application QOS control, continuous media distribution services, streaming servers, media synchronization mechanisms.
Video Streaming works like this, the data arrives it is buffered for a few seconds and then playback begins. As the audio is playing, more data is constantly arriving, and as long as you are receiving a constant stream of data, you should hear constant audio. Think of a bucket (the buffer) with a hole in the bottom, being topped up with water (the data). As long as there is water in the bucket, it will continue to pour out of the hole, and will do this as long as there is water in the bucket. Similarly, as long as there is data in the buffer, you will continue to hear sound. Unfortunately the buffer can empty due to congestion on the Internet which may stop you from receiving data. To stream files from one machine to another, we use a streaming server. A streaming media server is similar to a web server in that it takes requests from users and sends files in return. We use metafiles in order for the streaming server to interact with web servers. When a file is placed on a streaming server, another file must be created that will point to the media file on the streaming server from a web server. The web server provides the user with a link on which to click to then locate the stream. This is known as a metafile and it contains code similar to HTML which lists the name of the server, the directory path to locate the file, and the protocol (or communication mechanism) the server will use to stream the file back to you.
3.0 How reliable is the Circuit Switch compared to Packet Switch
Figure 1: Circuit Switching
Circuit-switching is more reliable than packet-switching. When you have a circuit dedicated for a session, you are sure to get all information across. When you use a circuit which is open for other services, then there is a big possibility of congestion , and hence the delays or even packet loss. This explains the relatively lower quality of VoIP voice compared to PSTN. But you actually have other protocols giving a helping hand in making packet-switching techniques to make connections more reliable. Example of Circuit Switch are PSTN and ISDN. Other than that, in circuit switch data arrived in order. Example of packet-switching are LAN and internet.
Other than that, network resources reserved and dedicated from sender to receiver compared to packet switch where don’t have any dedicated connection, it has possible congestion and consequent packet dropping.In circuit switch we need to establish the connection first before send the data to destination. After that, the connection will be terminated. Circuit switch also provide traffic isolation and traffic engineering.In circuit switch also data arrived at constant rate and used when transmitting real time data, such as video and audio.
Other than that, Circuit switch is most efficient for longer transmission and low overhead requirement compared to packet-switched.
4.0 Three differences between Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service.
Broadcast service is a unidirectional point-to-multipoint service in which data is transmitted from single source to multiple UE's in the associated broadcast area, Multicast service is a unidirectional point-to-multipoint service in which data is transmitted from single source to Multicast group in associated Multicast area.
Broadcast services are push type services. The end user does not have to subscribe to be part of broadcast group, but in multicast, the end user has to be part of multicast group to receive the services.
In Broadcast there is no interaction possible but in multicast, interaction is possible, multicast users have a return channel for the interaction procedure. In Broadcast, they are free for example TV1, TV2 and TV3 but in Multicast, they could be free or paid. Multicasting may be used for streaming multimedia, video conferencing, shared white boards and more as the internet grows. Multicasting is still new to the internet and not widely supported by routers. New routing protocols are being developed to enable multicast traffic to be routed. Some of these routing protocols are:
• Hierarchical Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (HDVMRP)
• Multicast Border Gateway
• Protocol Independent Multicast
Since IP is not a reliable network protocol, a new reliable multicast protocol that works at the transport layer and uses IP at the network layer has been developed. It is called Multicast Transport Protocol (MTP).
5.0 IPTV
Internet Protocol TV is becoming the new standard in offering TV over the existing Telco broadband network. Next generation networks will support data, voice and IPTV/Video on demand, so called triple play service. However, IPTV has stringent delay, jitter, bandwidth and QoS requirements, which bring great challenges to the last meter home networks. IPTV consists of four main components such as video headend, core network, access network and home network. All programming content is captured by video headend. This include linear TV programs and Video on Demand contents, Typically video ingests this content thru satellite or fiber network. It also responsible for encoding video streams into certain format. The content is broken into IP Packets that are sent thru IP multicast and IP unicast.
Internet Protocol television (IPTV) is a system through which Internet television services are delivered using the architecture and networking methods of the Internet Protocol Suite over a packet-switched network infrastructure, for the Internet and broadband Internet access networks, instead of being delivered through traditional radio frequency broadcast, satellite signal, and cable television (CATV) formats.
IPTV services may be classified into three main groups:
• live television, with or without interactivity related to the current TV show;
• time-shifted programming: catch-up TV (replays a TV show that was broadcast hours or days ago), start-over TV (replays the current TV show from its beginning);
• video on demand (VOD): browse a catalog of videos, not related to TV programming.
IPTV is distinguished from general Internet-based or web-based multimedia services by its on-going standardization process (e.g., European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and preferential deployment scenarios in subscriber-based telecommunications networks with high-speed access channels into end-user premises via set-top boxes or other customer-premises equipment.
6.0 Five challenges of Multimedia Messaging Services
1. Content adaptation:
Multimedia content created by one brand of MMS phone may not be entirely compatible with the capabilities of the recipient's MMS phone. In the MMS architecture, the recipient MMSC is responsible for providing for content adaptation , if this feature is enabled by the mobile network operator. When content adaptation is supported by a network operator, its MMS subscribers enjoy compatibility with a larger network of MMS users than would otherwise be available.
2. Distribution lists:
Current MMS specifications do not include distribution lists nor methods by which large numbers of recipients can be conveniently addressed, particularly by content providers, called Value-added service providers (VASPs) in 3GPP. Since most SMSC vendors have adopted FTP as an ad-hoc method by which large distribution lists are transferred to the SMSC prior to being used in a bulk-messaging SMS submission, it is expected that MMSC vendors will also adopt FTP.
3. Bulk messaging:
The flow of peer-to-peer MMS messaging involves several over-the-air transactions that become inefficient when MMS is used to send messages to large numbers of subscribers, as is typically the case for VASPs. For example, when one MMS message is submitted to a very large number of recipients, it is possible to receive a delivery report and read-reply report for each and every recipient. Future MMS specification work is likely to optimize and reduce the transactional overhead for the bulk-messaging case.
4. Handset Configuration:
Unlike SMS, MMS requires a number of handset parameters to be set. Poor handset configuration is often blamed as the first point of failure for many users. Service settings are sometimes preconfigured on the handset, but mobile operators are now looking at new device management technologies as a means of delivering the necessary settings for data services (MMS, WAP, etc.) via over-the-air programming.
5. WAP Push:
Few mobile network operators offer direct connectivity to their MMSCs for content providers. This has resulted in many content providers using WAP push as the only method available to deliver rich content to mobile handsets. WAP push enables rich content to be delivered to a handset by specifying the URL (via binary SMS) of a pre-compiled MMS, hosted on a content provider's web server. A consequence is that the receiver who pays WAP per kb or minute (as opposed to a flat monthly fee) pays for receiving the MMS, as opposed to only paying for sending one, and also paying a different rate.
7.0 Five types of Protocol Data Units in MMS level.
1. Send message to MMS Proxy -Relay (M -Send.req, M -Send.conf)
This chapter describes the header fields of the M-Send.req sent by the MMS Client to the MMS Proxy -Relay, and how these header fields may be modified by the sender's MMS Proxy -Relay. These header fields are used to generate the MMS notification to the recipient, and are delivered with the message body parts to the recipient MMS Client at retrieval.
2. Fetch message from MMS Proxy -Relay (WSP/HTTP GET.req, M -Retrieve.conf)
A MMS Client SHALL request the retrieval of an MM by sending a WSP/HTTP GET request to the MMS Proxy –Relay containing a URI that indicates the location of the MM to be retrieved. When successful, the response to the retrieve request will be M-Retrieve.conf PDU containing MMS header and the
3. Delivery Report about sent message (M-Delivery.ind)
A MMS Delivery Report MUST be sent from the MMS Proxy -Relay to the originator MMS Client or the forwarding MMS Client when a delivery report has been requested and the recipient MMS Client has not explicitly requested for denial of the report. As for example, the recipient can request for denial of the Delivery Report by using the X-Mms- Report-Allowed field of M-Acknowledge.ind or M-NotifyResp.ind PDU. There will be a separate delivery report from each recipient. There is no response PDU to the delivery report.
4. Acknowledgement of message delivery (M-Acknowledge.ind)
A M-Acknowledge.ind PDU confirms the delivery of the MM to the MMS Proxy -Relay.
5. Read Report about sent message (M-Read-Rec.ind, M-Read-Orig.ind)
Read reporting can be done either in the form of a new MM or be handled by specific PDUs. Backward compatibility between these methods is handled with the X-Mms-MMS-Version header field and a transformation mechanism in the originating Proxy -Relay. If the MMS Client is of higher version than 1.0 and if it supports read reporting it MUST also support the handling of Read Report PDUs.
IMTC.(2011).International Multimedia Telecommunication Cosortium.[Online].Available: http://www.imtc.org/activity_groups/ag_pss/faq.asp.[2011 March 5]
Answer.com.(2011). Advantages of circuit switching network over packet network?.[Online].Available: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Advantages_of_circuit_switching_network_over_packet_network#ixzz1FD7MbHuL.[2011, Feb 2)
Charles, M.Kozierok.(2005).Circuit Switching And Packet Switching Networks.[Online].Available: http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_CircuitSwitchingandPacketSwitchingNetworks.htm.[2011, March 10]
Total Words=2500 Words
CBMM 4103
MATRICULATION NO. : 780222055921002
IDENTITY CARD NO. : 780222-05-5921
TELEPHONE NO. : 0192553069
E-MAIL : mohd.izuddin@mmu.edu.my
Table Of Content Page
1.0 Two advantages of Packet Switched Streaming 3
2.0 One technology using PSS. 5
3.0 How reliable is the Circuit Switch compared to Packet Switch 6
4.0 Three differences between Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service. 7
5.0 IPTV 8
6.0 Five challenges of Multimedia Messaging Services 9
7.0 Five types of Protocol Data Units in MMS level. 11
8.0 Attachment 13
1.0 Two advantages of Packet Switched Streaming
There are two examples of Packet Switched Technology such as LAN and internet. The main advantage Packet Switched Streaming has over all previous generation mobile communication systems is an increase in bit rate. Higher bit rate capabilities have delivered by service providers to involve into developing many bandwidth intensive applications that would not have been conceived of otherwise. There is tremendous excitement about the development of Packet Switched Streaming Technology. Two major forces are driving the development of these 3G systems. The first is the demand for higher data rate services, such as high-speed wireless Internet access. The second requirement are the more efficient use of the available radio frequency (RF) spectrum. This second requirement is a consequence of the projected growth in worldwide usage of wireless services. High-speed access, supporting broadband services such as fast Internet access or multimedia-type applications. One other advantages of packet switched streaming is we don’t need to wait until the content download completely to see the streaming because it can be seen will the buffering is in progress. The second advantages of packet-switching is that it permits statistical multiplexing on the communications lines. The packets from many different sources can share a line, allowing for very efficient use of the fixed capacity. With current technology, packets are generally accepted onto the network on a first-come, first-served basis. If the network becomes overloaded, packets are delayed or discarded .
Packet-Switched Streaming Services is a standard defined by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The PSS specification covers the protocols and codecs necessary for the delivery of streaming content to multimedia terminals in Third Generation (3G) wireless networks. Packet-Switched Streaming Services also has many other advantages, with PSS we can run many application such as :
1. Viewing on-demand audiovisual clips from anywhere using a multimedia-equipped wireless phone.
2. Viewing subscription content (e.g. personalized news, business info, sports highlights, etc).
3. Watching content from a live camera (e.g. webcam or security camera).
4. Streaming content received via 3GPP's Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS).
The main focus of PSS is the communication between server and terminal. The PSS specification tells operators and equipment manufacturers how the server and terminal must behave in order to enable the streaming service
The PSS specification defines a multimedia streaming service within 3G wireless networks, and so enables the application scenarios mentioned above, as well as others. An important point is that PSS standardizes the communication used in the service. This makes it possible for vendors to design equipment that will interoperate (i.e. communicate properly with equipment from other vendors). For example, one company could provide a streaming server, and another company could provide the client solution.
While the PSS specification is defined to enable interoperable implementations, the specification itself cannot guarantee interoperability. Implementations from different companies must be tested together to ensure that the implementations are correct, and that companies have a consistent interpretation of the specification. Testing is also needed to identify and correct parts of the specification which are unclear or inconsistent.
2.0 One technology using PSS.
One technology using Packet Switched Technology is video streaming, video streaming is a technique for transferring data such that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. Besides that, streaming audio defines a method of delivering an audio signal to computer over the Internet, and differs from the normal method of receiving internet audio in one important way: instead of having to download a .wav file completely before being able to listen to it, you hear the sound as it arrives at your computer, and therefore do not have to wait for a complete download. However, video streaming is different compared to streaming audio. This is because it is a method of making audio, video and other multimedia available in real-time over the Internet with no download wait and no file to take up space on hard disk. Streaming technologies for transmitting real time continuous audio poses manychallenges in various areas including media compression, application QOS control, continuous media distribution services, streaming servers, media synchronization mechanisms.
Video Streaming works like this, the data arrives it is buffered for a few seconds and then playback begins. As the audio is playing, more data is constantly arriving, and as long as you are receiving a constant stream of data, you should hear constant audio. Think of a bucket (the buffer) with a hole in the bottom, being topped up with water (the data). As long as there is water in the bucket, it will continue to pour out of the hole, and will do this as long as there is water in the bucket. Similarly, as long as there is data in the buffer, you will continue to hear sound. Unfortunately the buffer can empty due to congestion on the Internet which may stop you from receiving data. To stream files from one machine to another, we use a streaming server. A streaming media server is similar to a web server in that it takes requests from users and sends files in return. We use metafiles in order for the streaming server to interact with web servers. When a file is placed on a streaming server, another file must be created that will point to the media file on the streaming server from a web server. The web server provides the user with a link on which to click to then locate the stream. This is known as a metafile and it contains code similar to HTML which lists the name of the server, the directory path to locate the file, and the protocol (or communication mechanism) the server will use to stream the file back to you.
3.0 How reliable is the Circuit Switch compared to Packet Switch
Figure 1: Circuit Switching
Circuit-switching is more reliable than packet-switching. When you have a circuit dedicated for a session, you are sure to get all information across. When you use a circuit which is open for other services, then there is a big possibility of congestion , and hence the delays or even packet loss. This explains the relatively lower quality of VoIP voice compared to PSTN. But you actually have other protocols giving a helping hand in making packet-switching techniques to make connections more reliable. Example of Circuit Switch are PSTN and ISDN. Other than that, in circuit switch data arrived in order. Example of packet-switching are LAN and internet.
Other than that, network resources reserved and dedicated from sender to receiver compared to packet switch where don’t have any dedicated connection, it has possible congestion and consequent packet dropping.In circuit switch we need to establish the connection first before send the data to destination. After that, the connection will be terminated. Circuit switch also provide traffic isolation and traffic engineering.In circuit switch also data arrived at constant rate and used when transmitting real time data, such as video and audio.
Other than that, Circuit switch is most efficient for longer transmission and low overhead requirement compared to packet-switched.
4.0 Three differences between Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service.
Broadcast service is a unidirectional point-to-multipoint service in which data is transmitted from single source to multiple UE's in the associated broadcast area, Multicast service is a unidirectional point-to-multipoint service in which data is transmitted from single source to Multicast group in associated Multicast area.
Broadcast services are push type services. The end user does not have to subscribe to be part of broadcast group, but in multicast, the end user has to be part of multicast group to receive the services.
In Broadcast there is no interaction possible but in multicast, interaction is possible, multicast users have a return channel for the interaction procedure. In Broadcast, they are free for example TV1, TV2 and TV3 but in Multicast, they could be free or paid. Multicasting may be used for streaming multimedia, video conferencing, shared white boards and more as the internet grows. Multicasting is still new to the internet and not widely supported by routers. New routing protocols are being developed to enable multicast traffic to be routed. Some of these routing protocols are:
• Hierarchical Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (HDVMRP)
• Multicast Border Gateway
• Protocol Independent Multicast
Since IP is not a reliable network protocol, a new reliable multicast protocol that works at the transport layer and uses IP at the network layer has been developed. It is called Multicast Transport Protocol (MTP).
5.0 IPTV
Internet Protocol TV is becoming the new standard in offering TV over the existing Telco broadband network. Next generation networks will support data, voice and IPTV/Video on demand, so called triple play service. However, IPTV has stringent delay, jitter, bandwidth and QoS requirements, which bring great challenges to the last meter home networks. IPTV consists of four main components such as video headend, core network, access network and home network. All programming content is captured by video headend. This include linear TV programs and Video on Demand contents, Typically video ingests this content thru satellite or fiber network. It also responsible for encoding video streams into certain format. The content is broken into IP Packets that are sent thru IP multicast and IP unicast.
Internet Protocol television (IPTV) is a system through which Internet television services are delivered using the architecture and networking methods of the Internet Protocol Suite over a packet-switched network infrastructure, for the Internet and broadband Internet access networks, instead of being delivered through traditional radio frequency broadcast, satellite signal, and cable television (CATV) formats.
IPTV services may be classified into three main groups:
• live television, with or without interactivity related to the current TV show;
• time-shifted programming: catch-up TV (replays a TV show that was broadcast hours or days ago), start-over TV (replays the current TV show from its beginning);
• video on demand (VOD): browse a catalog of videos, not related to TV programming.
IPTV is distinguished from general Internet-based or web-based multimedia services by its on-going standardization process (e.g., European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and preferential deployment scenarios in subscriber-based telecommunications networks with high-speed access channels into end-user premises via set-top boxes or other customer-premises equipment.
6.0 Five challenges of Multimedia Messaging Services
1. Content adaptation:
Multimedia content created by one brand of MMS phone may not be entirely compatible with the capabilities of the recipient's MMS phone. In the MMS architecture, the recipient MMSC is responsible for providing for content adaptation , if this feature is enabled by the mobile network operator. When content adaptation is supported by a network operator, its MMS subscribers enjoy compatibility with a larger network of MMS users than would otherwise be available.
2. Distribution lists:
Current MMS specifications do not include distribution lists nor methods by which large numbers of recipients can be conveniently addressed, particularly by content providers, called Value-added service providers (VASPs) in 3GPP. Since most SMSC vendors have adopted FTP as an ad-hoc method by which large distribution lists are transferred to the SMSC prior to being used in a bulk-messaging SMS submission, it is expected that MMSC vendors will also adopt FTP.
3. Bulk messaging:
The flow of peer-to-peer MMS messaging involves several over-the-air transactions that become inefficient when MMS is used to send messages to large numbers of subscribers, as is typically the case for VASPs. For example, when one MMS message is submitted to a very large number of recipients, it is possible to receive a delivery report and read-reply report for each and every recipient. Future MMS specification work is likely to optimize and reduce the transactional overhead for the bulk-messaging case.
4. Handset Configuration:
Unlike SMS, MMS requires a number of handset parameters to be set. Poor handset configuration is often blamed as the first point of failure for many users. Service settings are sometimes preconfigured on the handset, but mobile operators are now looking at new device management technologies as a means of delivering the necessary settings for data services (MMS, WAP, etc.) via over-the-air programming.
5. WAP Push:
Few mobile network operators offer direct connectivity to their MMSCs for content providers. This has resulted in many content providers using WAP push as the only method available to deliver rich content to mobile handsets. WAP push enables rich content to be delivered to a handset by specifying the URL (via binary SMS) of a pre-compiled MMS, hosted on a content provider's web server. A consequence is that the receiver who pays WAP per kb or minute (as opposed to a flat monthly fee) pays for receiving the MMS, as opposed to only paying for sending one, and also paying a different rate.
7.0 Five types of Protocol Data Units in MMS level.
1. Send message to MMS Proxy -Relay (M -Send.req, M -Send.conf)
This chapter describes the header fields of the M-Send.req sent by the MMS Client to the MMS Proxy -Relay, and how these header fields may be modified by the sender's MMS Proxy -Relay. These header fields are used to generate the MMS notification to the recipient, and are delivered with the message body parts to the recipient MMS Client at retrieval.
2. Fetch message from MMS Proxy -Relay (WSP/HTTP GET.req, M -Retrieve.conf)
A MMS Client SHALL request the retrieval of an MM by sending a WSP/HTTP GET request to the MMS Proxy –Relay containing a URI that indicates the location of the MM to be retrieved. When successful, the response to the retrieve request will be M-Retrieve.conf PDU containing MMS header and the
3. Delivery Report about sent message (M-Delivery.ind)
A MMS Delivery Report MUST be sent from the MMS Proxy -Relay to the originator MMS Client or the forwarding MMS Client when a delivery report has been requested and the recipient MMS Client has not explicitly requested for denial of the report. As for example, the recipient can request for denial of the Delivery Report by using the X-Mms- Report-Allowed field of M-Acknowledge.ind or M-NotifyResp.ind PDU. There will be a separate delivery report from each recipient. There is no response PDU to the delivery report.
4. Acknowledgement of message delivery (M-Acknowledge.ind)
A M-Acknowledge.ind PDU confirms the delivery of the MM to the MMS Proxy -Relay.
5. Read Report about sent message (M-Read-Rec.ind, M-Read-Orig.ind)
Read reporting can be done either in the form of a new MM or be handled by specific PDUs. Backward compatibility between these methods is handled with the X-Mms-MMS-Version header field and a transformation mechanism in the originating Proxy -Relay. If the MMS Client is of higher version than 1.0 and if it supports read reporting it MUST also support the handling of Read Report PDUs.
IMTC.(2011).International Multimedia Telecommunication Cosortium.[Online].Available: http://www.imtc.org/activity_groups/ag_pss/faq.asp.[2011 March 5]
Answer.com.(2011). Advantages of circuit switching network over packet network?.[Online].Available: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Advantages_of_circuit_switching_network_over_packet_network#ixzz1FD7MbHuL.[2011, Feb 2)
Charles, M.Kozierok.(2005).Circuit Switching And Packet Switching Networks.[Online].Available: http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_CircuitSwitchingandPacketSwitchingNetworks.htm.[2011, March 10]
Total Words=2500 Words
Web Programming-CBWP2203
CBWP 2203
MATRICULATION NO. : 780222055921002
IDENTITY CARD NO. : 780222-05-5921
TELEPHONE NO. : 0192553069
E-MAIL : ijud78@gmail.com
Table Of Content Page
1.0 assignment.html 3
2.0 course_info.html 4
3.0 controls.html 6
4.0 display.html 8
5.0 htmljavascript.html 10
6.0 vbscript.html 13
7.0 Attachment 15
1.0 assignment.html
Rajah 1 : assignment.html
2.0 course_info.html
Rajah 2 : course_info.html
3.0 controls.html
Rajah 3 : controls.html
4.0 display.html
The assignment demonstrates some of the features of HTML, Javascript and VBScript.
Rajah 4 : display.html
5.0 htmljavascript.html
Rajah 5 : htmljavascript.html
6.0 vbscript.html
Rajah 6:Vbscript.html
W3schools.com.(2011).HTML TUTORIAL[Online].Available: http://www.w3schools.com/html/.[2011, March 1]
W3schools.com.(2011).VBScript Tutorial TUTORIAL[Online].Available: http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp.[2011, March 5]
W3schools.com.(2011).Java Script Tutorial TUTORIAL[Online].Available: http://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/default.asp.[2011, March 10]
CBWP 2203
MATRICULATION NO. : 780222055921002
IDENTITY CARD NO. : 780222-05-5921
TELEPHONE NO. : 0192553069
E-MAIL : ijud78@gmail.com
Table Of Content Page
1.0 assignment.html 3
2.0 course_info.html 4
3.0 controls.html 6
4.0 display.html 8
5.0 htmljavascript.html 10
6.0 vbscript.html 13
7.0 Attachment 15
1.0 assignment.html
Rajah 1 : assignment.html
2.0 course_info.html
![]() |
CBWP2203 January 2011 |
Rajah 2 : course_info.html
3.0 controls.html
Rajah 3 : controls.html
4.0 display.html
Welcome to my webpage for
CBWP2203 Assignment
January 2011
The assignment demonstrates some of the features of HTML, Javascript and VBScript.
Click on appropriate button on the left to look at the examples.
Rajah 4 : display.html
5.0 htmljavascript.html
Rajah 5 : htmljavascript.html
6.0 vbscript.html
This is just an example of what VBscript can do
Rajah 6:Vbscript.html
W3schools.com.(2011).HTML TUTORIAL[Online].Available: http://www.w3schools.com/html/.[2011, March 1]
W3schools.com.(2011).VBScript Tutorial TUTORIAL[Online].Available: http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp.[2011, March 5]
W3schools.com.(2011).Java Script Tutorial TUTORIAL[Online].Available: http://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/default.asp.[2011, March 10]
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